QSL Information

Please note!

From 2018 I am not a member of the Dutch QSL Bureau anymore, Please do not sent cards! they will be rejected by the bureau.
Also: I Dont use EQSL,HRDLOG,LOTW or ClubLog

QSL’s via: Phone Contacts Digital mode Contacts Contests
Direct * *Read info below!


* Digital mode Contact QSL’ing:
Look at “QSL Request”

* Sending Direct QSL cards:
Please send a SASE envelope, n
o $/€ or IRC needed!

to: Please send me an email for adres information


* QSL request NEW
If you only want a QSL card from me, but not want to send yours, no problem.
In this case I only ask 2$ for covering the postage.

Just click the contact page and fill out our QSO information, I will then get back to you.
After payment, I will send out the QSL card directly to you.
Please checkout one of the online logbooks first if I have logged you.