Fixing 10/11m 5/8 Vertical
During a field activation I noticed that my 10m 5/8L Vertical occasionally performed poorly. I soon discovered that a solder contact had broken loose. Probably due to transport. With some trickery I was able...
During a field activation I noticed that my 10m 5/8L Vertical occasionally performed poorly. I soon discovered that a solder contact had broken loose. Probably due to transport. With some trickery I was able...
I’ve been thinking about setting up a symmetrical antenna system for a while now. That is, Ladder line fed dipole. I did a bit of measuring and was able to stretch 2 x 9m...
Now that I’m more portable, I wanted to do something with amateur satellites again. I mainly want to do this with the IC-705. Unfortunately, the IC-705 cannot work full duplex. So we depend on...
I’ve always been interested in all kinds of loop antennas. This is because closed systems are generally less sensitive to QRM and therefore receive more quietly. What I’ve been wanting to try for a...
I have always been a big fan of army dump camo net poles to use as a mast, both portable and fixed based. These were always widely available for a nice hobby price at...
Reception at 10Ghz can be quite a challenge, especially if you can receive the station to be received on the edge. I really had the problem that the signal went up and down even...
A friend of mine Gertjan PA3FZB who is crazy about 3.5m broadcast “amateur” stations 😉 recently came up with an article about a HB9CV design for 3.5m. He asked me if I could build...
First attempt to build a 23cm Yagi I had been looking for an antenna for 23 and 13cm for a while now. As I wanted to listen to SSB and Amateur Television stations. Now...
Some people asked my some questions about how to properly connect my Rotator interface to their rotators. Most common questions are: My rotator will not rotate back when rotation is at max position. I...
Recently I got a call from my local dealer that I could finally pick up my long pre-ordered Icom IC-9700 🙂 The only antenna at the time I had for VHF/UHF was a Diamond...
Some time has passed, and a lot has been done so far. Construction Tuning Section First I had to find a way to mount the vacuum condenser on the mounting plate. Because I print...
As I have succesfully built the ATU-100 kit, I decided to go for a beafier ATU kit. Some weeks ago I received a kit from Ali Express. The ATU-1000 Automatic Antenna tuner kit. It...
My current antenna for 10 and 20m is still my old wire dipole. Construction is a wire Fan Dipole, in some slight inverterd V configuration directed East / West. Due the proper height of...
Last week I have constructed a new antenna system for HF operations. 3 Years ago, I started with a 2 band FAN Dipole. for 10m and 20m. I have enjoyed operating with this antenna...
Yesterday I picked up a secondhand Wimo Bigwheel antenna for 2m. This antenna has somewhat more gain then my Homebrew SQualo. I have completely disassembled the antenna, and cleaned and rinsed all parts and...
Check out one of my latest antenna projects! The SQualo antenna for 2m! SQualo antenna for 2m
For 13cm S-Band Satellite reception, I needed a Circular polarized antenna. I have decided to build one my own again. read more on the project page: 13cm S-Band Helical antenna