Month: May 2023

Refurbishing Glassfiber Poles 5 (5)

I have always been a big fan of army dump camo net poles to use as a mast, both portable and fixed based. These were always widely available for a nice hobby price at an army dump. When I started again in early 2022 with the hobby I used NOS poles that I still had…

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Portable with the IC-705 0 (0)

Recently I was invited to my old model flying club for a cup of coffee 🙂 Excellent opportunity to test my IC-705 in peace. Used antenna: an EFHW on a 13m portable mast. At home I had already prepared the 1:49 transformer and 34uH coil. On location, only tuning the EFHW remained. With the LiteVNA…

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Adjust LNB L.O. (BT-180) or any other DRO LNB 5 (5)

Recently I got my hands on a very good performing LNB for 10 ghz amateur television. Available on aliexpress under the name BT-180 with an LO of 9GHz. There was only a slight problem using it at my location. Here in the Netherlands there are 2 unofficial frequencies for ATV on 23cm. 1252 and 1280MHz.…

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ATV Receiver project 5 (4)

Some time ago, Hans PE1ICE developed a compact ATV Receiver that could demodulate FM audio and Nicam audio also. Link to project: All that was needed was to install the receiver in a housing. In the first housing I had based on a supply voltage of 12v. I also had a video splitter built…

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Getting better 10GHz reception, modifying the mast :-) 5 (1)

Reception at 10Ghz can be quite a challenge, especially if you can receive the station to be received on the edge. I really had the problem that the signal went up and down even with a little bit of wind. The problem was that the mast on which the dish is placed is in a…

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