Category: Propagation

BigWheel antenna for VHF 5 (3)

Recently I got a call from my local dealer that I could finally pick up my long pre-ordered Icom IC-9700 🙂 The only antenna at the time I had for VHF/UHF was a Diamond X-30 Vertical. That’s nice for some local/regional work, but not really for some DX. Since I’m not going to place big…

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10m Propagation, Working FM Repeaters! 5 (1)

On friday the 11th of June, there was a lot of good propagation on 10m. Most of the time if there is good propagation is trying to work the N2ROW repeater in New York. Frequency: 29.680MHz Shift: -100KHz CTCSS Tone: 136.5Hz.   Also found a fairly unknow repeater on: Frequency: 29.660MHz Shift: -100KHz CTCSS Tone:…

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This morning some brief propagation on 70cm 0 (0)

This morning ( 6th of may 2018 ) there was some brief propagation on 70cms. I have managed to work OZ1JMN with FT8 on my Diamond X-300 Vertical with just 20W. Few minutes later a QSO with DO1EJK . I think I will build and add a 70cm bigwheel to the mast in a couple…

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