
Hi. my name is: Björn Pasteuning
Callsign: PD5DJ


I am located in the Province Noord-Holland, and in that province there is a County thats called West-Friesland.

In that county there is a Town called Koggenland, and my village Avenhorn is located in that town with approx 3000 inhabitants.


Province Emblem of Noord-Holland County Emblem of West-Friesland
Town Emblem of Koggenland Village Emblem of Avenhorn


When I was at 7 years of age I got struck by the miracles of Wireless communications.

A neighbour in our former street was a real dedicated 3M FM Radio Pirate.
He learned me lots about electronics, and learned me how to build Oscillators, Exciters and all what comes with it.
Some years later begin 90’s I started as a 11m Pirate.
In that time I have worked lots and lots of DX.

I have got a broad intrest in Ham radio.
I like to do homebrew a lot, mostly microcontroller related hardware for Ham Radio.
Love working on HF, VHF, UHF, Satellites and working in all sorts of Digital modes.
I am also very intrested in the Low bands, < 500khz
Sometimes in the midnights I like to browse the spectrum and try to receive other active Hams on the 2200m and 630m bands, and give them an SWL report.

I am also very active in Contesting, I like to join many contests only if it is to keep the clubscore up.
You can work me during the: PACC, EU HF Championships, All Asian, UBA, IARU World HF Championship, CQ WW DX, Sprintcontests and many more.

At the end of 2009 I lost intrest in Ham radio, and became very active in Modelcraft Helicopters and Airplanes.

Also sold most of my Ham Radio equipment. (with regret )
During that period we also moved to my current QTH, (also with regret 😛 )

But then in 2013 I got intrested in Ham Radio again, unfortunally I now do not have the ideal location, but I can manage very well.


My current QSL Card design

See you down the log!

Björn de PD5DJ