Participating WRTC


As the WRTC event draws closer and closer to the end, it’s getting harder and harder to complete everything.
Over the past few months I have managed to get most WRTC stations worked on 40m / 20m and 10m.
I am very happy that my station works quite well, even with rare conditions at 10m I can fill in the missing stations at 10m.

Still more then a month to go, I am hoping for some more magic on 10m 🙂

My results so far:

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0 (0) As the WRTC event draws closer and closer to the end, it’s getting harder and harder to complete everything. Over the past few months I have managed to get most WRTC stations worked on 40m / 20m and 10m. I am very happy that my station works quite well, even with rare conditions…

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