13cm S-Band Helical antenna Since the antenna has to go on the satellite mast, and there is not much room for a dish, I decided to start off with a Helical antenna. I have build several in the past, and took the design from VE2ZAZ Back in 2005-2007 I had …
Build your own Rotator Interface
Rotator Interface I have created this page with all information needed to build your own Rotator Interface. On this page you will find the minimal requirements and hardware configuration needed to embed this in your own Rotator interface / situation. The initial design of this Rotator Interface is based on …
SQualo antenna for 2m. Omni-Horizontal polarized
Check out one of my latest antenna projects! The SQualo antenna for 2m! SQualo antenna for 2m
SQualo antenna for 2M
Building the SQualo antenna for 2m For some time now I am very active on FT8 on HF. I enjoyed it so much because the high QRM level I have on HF. Then some fellow amateurs at the club, asked me if I was active on 2 meters too?. I …