SQualo antenna for 2m. Omni-Horizontal polarized by pd5dj · April 2, 2018 0 (0) Check out one of my latest antenna projects! The SQualo antenna for 2m! SQualo antenna for 2m How useful was this post? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating 0 / 5. Vote count: 0 No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! Let us improve this post! Tell us how we can improve this post? Submit Feedback
Hoi Erwin, Bedankt voor je berichtje. De 7300 die heb ik al, en heeft een tuner en voicekeyer opties die…
Beste Björn, Leuk om te zien hoe je bezig bent met portable opstellingen. Wat ik alleen niet begrijp is dat…
1. Brillant the guide pulley, you cant loose the rope during Mast-Erection! 2. The guy clamp with integrated eyelets for…
Fantastic Job! Doing something very similar with a vacuum capacitor at the moment building a balanced L matching unit. I'm…
Hoi Erwin, Bedankt voor je berichtje. De 7300 die heb ik al, en heeft een tuner en voicekeyer opties die…
Beste Björn, Leuk om te zien hoe je bezig bent met portable opstellingen. Wat ik alleen niet begrijp is dat…
Hi Jordan, My apologies for the late reply. Yes I can supply you with the STL files for the endstop…
1. Brillant the guide pulley, you cant loose the rope during Mast-Erection! 2. The guy clamp with integrated eyelets for…
Fantastic Job! Doing something very similar with a vacuum capacitor at the moment building a balanced L matching unit. I'm…