Month: June 2022

Start of build Automatic Magnetic Loop controller – PART 1 5 (8)

Recently my colleague, Rob PA5RH and I came up with the idea to build an automatic loop tuner. Rob is busy with the software part where I have already started on the mechanical part. As loop, Cellflex 1 1/4 inch Coax cable is used. This has a (copper) outer diameter of +/- 38mm I want…

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ATU-1000, 1KW Automatic Antenna tuner 4.8 (71)

As I have succesfully built the ATU-100 kit, I decided to go for a beafier ATU kit. Some weeks ago I received a kit from Ali Express. The ATU-1000 Automatic Antenna tuner kit. It is based on the same design of N7DCC, but the board is designed by EU2AV. The same firware is used as…

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10m Propagation, Working FM Repeaters! 5 (1)

On friday the 11th of June, there was a lot of good propagation on 10m. Most of the time if there is good propagation is trying to work the N2ROW repeater in New York. Frequency: 29.680MHz Shift: -100KHz CTCSS Tone: 136.5Hz.   Also found a fairly unknow repeater on: Frequency: 29.660MHz Shift: -100KHz CTCSS Tone:…

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Do you want a fun game and have famlily indirectly involved with your hamradio hobby? Then play the word guessing game.        

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