Signal Splitter box 0 (0)

Due to illness I had to enjoy myself a bit at home with the moments when I felt a bit good. I had small projects that were already finished but still needed to be build into an enclosure. The Signal splitter 1 was one of them projects. I once ordered …

Portable ATV Receiver 5 (1)

A while ago I came up with the idea of ​​building a portable ATV receiver. Important features of this receiver had to be: 1. Large screen with real noise (no fake noise) 2. Of course with built-in battery with builtin charger. 3. PE1ICE MiniATV receiver as base. 4. Switchable bias …

New Symmetrical Antenna system for HF 0 (0)

I’ve been thinking about setting up a symmetrical antenna system for a while now. That is, Ladder line fed dipole. I did a bit of measuring and was able to stretch 2 x 9m of wire. I bought a new piece of 10m 450ohm ladder line a while ago. This …