CC41-A fake HM-10 Bluetooth module, let’s get it working!
How to get the CC41-A to work with your applications.
I have bought several of these fake HM-10 modules, called CC41-A
Left one is the original HM-10 module, in the middle is the fake CC41-A one.
Anyways, besides it is a fake one, the major problem i bumped into, was the fact It would not connect at all to my Ipad, Android devices or PC’s.
How did I get it to work?
I have read a lot about these modules, most of them re-flash them with the HM10 Firmware:
Not that flashing is a problem, but is this really needed for my applications?
I just need a transparent device that communicates on 115200bd.
The answer was quite simple.
The CC41-A is not configured to accept pairing from factory, that’s why I kept Pairing rejects from all these devices.
A simple command is fixing this, getting the device in another state so it would accept pairing requests.
With a simple Terminal program set to 9600bd (default baudrate, I use the demo version of Docklight) just type the following command:
\r is Carriage Return (decimal 013, hex 0D), and \n is Line Feed (decimal 010, Hex 0A)
You should get an answer back like: OK
That’s all!, cycle power on the module and you will see your devices will connect to them.
If any password is asked it is: 000000 (6 times zero)
Other command’s you want to use are:
Changing device name:
Where “newname” is the new device name
for example: AT+SETNAMEMyBluetoothModule\r\n (Power Cycle required)
In device discovery you will see: MyBluetoothModule
Changing baudrate:
The last thing
Where X is the new identifier of a baudrate.
1 = 1200bd
2 = 2400bd
3 = 4800bd
4 = 9600bd (default)
5 = 19200bd
6 = 38400bd
7 = 57600bd
8 = 115200bd
9 = 230400bd
for example: AT+BAUD8\r\n (Power Cycle required)
This will change the baudrate to 115200bd
Have fun!!!
Update available!: MiniBook Version 1.2.1 - Also a new tool is added for bulk editting.
Ziet er goe uit Bjorn
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New update, editting and exporting to ADIF now possible
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