XLX880 Multiprotocol Reflector Now Fully Operational! 🚀 0 (0)

Great news! My XLX880 Multiprotocol Reflector is now up and running smoothly. Connections between Yaesu Fusion, DMR (Brandmeister), and D-Star are active on XLX880A. 🔹 DMR users can connect via Talkgroup 2041151.🔹 Yaesu Fusion users can join Room 88880.🔹 Transcoding between all modes is fully functional, ensuring seamless cross-mode communication. …

Getting Back into Digital Voice Modes: DMR, D-Star, and Yaesu Fusion 0 (0)

Recently, I’ve been diving back into digital voice modes like DMR, D-Star, and Yaesu Fusion. These technologies remain a fantastic way to connect with other radio enthusiasts worldwide. As part of this renewed interest, I set up my own XLX server: XLX880. Using a Raspberry Pi 5, I configured an …

Packet Radio Makes a Comeback in the Netherlands 5 (3)

In recent years, the Netherlands has witnessed a remarkable resurgence of packet radio, a digital communication technology that utilizes radio signals to transmit data. This revival can be largely attributed to a group of passionate amateur radio operators in the Noord-Holland region, who have reignited interest in packet radio on …

FAQ – How to connect my Rotator Interface to a Rotator 0 (0)

Some people asked my some questions about how to properly connect my Rotator interface to their rotators. Most common questions are: My rotator will not rotate back when rotation is at max position. I have got distorted readings on the display.   How to properly connect the rotator interface to …

Back in bussines! 0 (0)

After a period of more than 4 years of being QRT since 2018 due to severe QRM. Since March 2022 I have embraced the amateur radio hobby again 🙂 Even though there is still regular QRM present, it can now be dealt with. I use almost the same setup as …