I recently purchased a number of Icom Trunking radios with the intention of using them for digital use. That is, to use them to create a Hotspot / Repeater for D-Star and/or Yaesu Fusion (C4FM). I had once bought an IC-F1010 to use on VHF for packet radio. The adjustment …
New 5 Elements LFA for 2M
There has been a lot of ES propagation lately. With my Bigwheel antenna for 2m I can make very nice contacts. Since the Bigwheel is approximately 5dBi, I wanted a little more gain and especially some forward gain. I have known for a long time about the existence of LFA …
Battery Box upgrade
In the summer of 2023 I started using a LifePo4 battery. I had made this in a bag for the time being, with all electronics loose in the bag. Of course this will cause problems at some point. To solve this I was looking for a suitable box. The problem …
Fieldday meeting Spaarnewoude September 30, 2023
We recently spontaneously came up with the idea of holding a field day on September 30, 2023 in the Spaarnwoude recreation area (near Amsterdam). We had a nice day there with a few fellow amateurs. Together with Nico PA4NIC, Fred PE3FS, Carlo PA1LCS, Rene PE1LFI and some more supporters. Fred …
Rotator Interface
Do you need a Rotator Interface for example Satellite tracking? Over the years I have made several Rotator intefaces that you can hook up to your PC, Mac or Linux system. The interface is Yaesu GS232a(b) protocol compatible. Read more on the project page: Build your own Rotator Interface