Update! 30-12-2022 It’s been a while since I gave an update on the Magnetic Loop controller project I’m working on with Rob PA5RH. The purpose of the Loop Tuner was that it can tune automatically, and uses the internal SWR meter of the connected radio, and reads this via CAT. …
ATV Experiments
Since I’ve been active with the hobby again, I try to pick up every facet of it again. And so is ATV 🙂 Previously I was very active with 70cm ATV at our club repeater PI6HLM (NVRA), and could always receive it perfectly without any issue. I now found out …
Leo Inside my IC-9700 :-)
Last week I ordered a Mini GPSDO + 9700 injection board from Leo Bodnar. http://www.leobodnar.com/shop As I want my radio to be solid as a rock on 23cm for digital modes. The need for a stable LO was needed. Because the 10mhz reference input only is not enough cause it …
BigWheel antenna for VHF
Recently I got a call from my local dealer that I could finally pick up my long pre-ordered Icom IC-9700 🙂 The only antenna at the time I had for VHF/UHF was a Diamond X-30 Vertical. That’s nice for some local/regional work, but not really for some DX. Since I’m …
Magnetic loop construction – PART 2
Some time has passed, and a lot has been done so far. Construction Tuning Section First I had to find a way to mount the vacuum condenser on the mounting plate. Because I print a lot in 3D, I had the choice to design and print mounting brackets. Also important …
Start of build Automatic Magnetic Loop controller – PART 1
Recently my colleague, Rob PA5RH and I came up with the idea to build an automatic loop tuner. Rob is busy with the software part where I have already started on the mechanical part. As loop, Cellflex 1 1/4 inch Coax cable is used. This has a (copper) outer diameter …
ATU-1000, 1KW Automatic Antenna tuner
As I have succesfully built the ATU-100 kit, I decided to go for a beafier ATU kit. Some weeks ago I received a kit from Ali Express. The ATU-1000 Automatic Antenna tuner kit. It is based on the same design of N7DCC, but the board is designed by EU2AV. The …
10m Propagation, Working FM Repeaters!
On friday the 11th of June, there was a lot of good propagation on 10m. Most of the time if there is good propagation is trying to work the N2ROW repeater in New York. Frequency: 29.680MHz Shift: -100KHz CTCSS Tone: 136.5Hz. Also found a fairly unknow repeater on: Frequency: …
Today I have setup Winlink for the first time. I Always find it handy to have simple backup communication at hand whenever needed. So receiving and sending email over the air is a useful addition. Basic overview of Winlink and Vara HF Modem. I already was playing with various digital …