ATU-1000, 1KW Automatic Antenna tuner 4.8 (74)

As I have succesfully built the ATU-100 kit, I decided to go for a beafier ATU kit. Some weeks ago I received a kit from Ali Express. The ATU-1000 Automatic Antenna tuner kit. It is based on the same design of N7DCC, but the board is designed by EU2AV. The …

10m Propagation, Working FM Repeaters! 5 (1)

On friday the 11th of June, there was a lot of good propagation on 10m. Most of the time if there is good propagation is trying to work the N2ROW repeater in New York. Frequency: 29.680MHz Shift: -100KHz CTCSS Tone: 136.5Hz.   Also found a fairly unknow repeater on: Frequency: …


Do you want a fun game and have famlily indirectly involved with your hamradio hobby? Then play the word guessing game.        

Winlink 5 (1)

Today I have setup Winlink for the first time. I Always find it handy to have simple backup communication at hand whenever needed. So receiving and sending email over the air is a useful addition. Basic overview of Winlink and Vara HF Modem. I already was playing with various digital …

Participating WRTC 0 (0)

As the WRTC event draws closer and closer to the end, it’s getting harder and harder to complete everything. Over the past few months I have managed to get most WRTC stations worked on 40m / 20m and 10m. I am very happy that my station works quite well, even …

ATU-100 Antenna Tuner 5 (8)

Recently I purchased a ATU-100 Antenna tuner kit from Aliexpress. I have purchased this kit because the internal tuner of my IC-7610 has a tuning limit of 150ohms / SWR <3:1 as most internal tuners do. My previous IC-7300 had the tuner modification which extended the tuning limit, so tuning …

Dipole for 10/20m 5 (1)

My current antenna for 10 and 20m is still my old wire dipole. Construction is a wire Fan Dipole, in some slight inverterd V configuration directed East / West. Due the proper height of the antenna working DX is no problem at all.  

Back in bussines! 0 (0)

After a period of more than 4 years of being QRT since 2018 due to severe QRM. Since March 2022 I have embraced the amateur radio hobby again 🙂 Even though there is still regular QRM present, it can now be dealt with. I use almost the same setup as …

CC41-A fake HM-10 Bluetooth module, let’s get it working! 5 (3)

How to get the CC41-A to work with your applications. I have bought several of these fake HM-10 modules, called CC41-A Left one is the original HM-10 module, in the middle is the fake CC41-A one. Anyways, besides it is a fake one, the major problem i bumped into, was …

uBitx 0 (0)

Last week I have received a nice package from India 🙂 I have purchased a uBitx Transceiver from It is a pre-built basic direct conversion radio designed by Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE. The thing that pulled me over to buy the kit is the possibility to connect a Nextion touchscreen display to …