HB9CV 3.5m Project 5 (9)

A friend of mine Gertjan PA3FZB who is crazy about 3.5m broadcast “amateur” stations 😉 recently came up with an article about a HB9CV design for 3.5m. He asked me if I could build it for him. and so it happened 🙂 On the internet there is a very handy …

23cm Yagi Antenna building 4.9 (14)

First attempt to build a 23cm Yagi I had been looking for an antenna for 23 and 13cm for a while now. As I wanted to listen to SSB and Amateur Television stations. Now I had found some factory antennas online. Only the price.. hmmm.. For these prices I can …

FAQ – How to connect my Rotator Interface to a Rotator 0 (0)

Some people asked my some questions about how to properly connect my Rotator interface to their rotators. Most common questions are: My rotator will not rotate back when rotation is at max position. I have got distorted readings on the display.   How to properly connect the rotator interface to …

Diamond MX62M Diplexer Modification for IC-705 5 (7)

Simple conversion description MX62M with BNC Connectors UPDATE! 02-07-2023 I have replaced the BNC Pigtail cable with a fixed BNC Panelmount version instead to be more flexible.   Recently I was looking for an easy way to build a Diplexer for my Icom IC-705. My eye fell on the Diamond …

FT8CN – Android based FT8 software 5 (31)

Recently I found the program FT8CN while doing some research on the internet about portable FT8 possibilities. My eye also fell on this app, because I had never come across an android app that could easily communicate with one of my radios. With FT8CN it is possible to connect to …