First attempt to build a 23cm Yagi I had been looking for an antenna for 23 and 13cm for a while now. As I wanted to listen to SSB and Amateur Television stations. Now I had found some factory antennas online. Only the price.. hmmm.. For these prices I can …
FAQ – How to connect my Rotator Interface to a Rotator
Some people asked my some questions about how to properly connect my Rotator interface to their rotators. Most common questions are: My rotator will not rotate back when rotation is at max position. I have got distorted readings on the display. How to properly connect the rotator interface to …
BigWheel antenna for VHF
Recently I got a call from my local dealer that I could finally pick up my long pre-ordered Icom IC-9700 🙂 The only antenna at the time I had for VHF/UHF was a Diamond X-30 Vertical. That’s nice for some local/regional work, but not really for some DX. Since I’m …
Magnetic loop construction – PART 2
Some time has passed, and a lot has been done so far. Construction Tuning Section First I had to find a way to mount the vacuum condenser on the mounting plate. Because I print a lot in 3D, I had the choice to design and print mounting brackets. Also important …
ATU-1000, 1KW Automatic Antenna tuner
As I have succesfully built the ATU-100 kit, I decided to go for a beafier ATU kit. Some weeks ago I received a kit from Ali Express. The ATU-1000 Automatic Antenna tuner kit. It is based on the same design of N7DCC, but the board is designed by EU2AV. The …
Dipole for 10/20m
My current antenna for 10 and 20m is still my old wire dipole. Construction is a wire Fan Dipole, in some slight inverterd V configuration directed East / West. Due the proper height of the antenna working DX is no problem at all.
New Antenna system for HF
Last week I have constructed a new antenna system for HF operations. 3 Years ago, I started with a 2 band FAN Dipole. for 10m and 20m. I have enjoyed operating with this antenna very very much. The only thing that was bothering me was that I could not operate …
New – Bigwheel antenna for 2m
Yesterday I picked up a secondhand Wimo Bigwheel antenna for 2m. This antenna has somewhat more gain then my Homebrew SQualo. I have completely disassembled the antenna, and cleaned and rinsed all parts and elements. Also I had to create a new mounting bracket, as the original one was missing. …
13cm S-Band Helical Antenna
13cm S-Band Helical antenna Since the antenna has to go on the satellite mast, and there is not much room for a dish, I decided to start off with a Helical antenna. I have build several in the past, and took the design from VE2ZAZ Back in 2005-2007 I had …
SQualo antenna for 2m. Omni-Horizontal polarized
Check out one of my latest antenna projects! The SQualo antenna for 2m! SQualo antenna for 2m