Category: Projects

LinBPQ & Direwolf installation 5 (1)

Over the past 2 weeks I have been busy getting the following things done: Transferring a Windows BPQ32 configuration to LinBPQ for the RaspberryPi. Communicating with an AEA PK-88 TNC in KISS mode. Install Direwolf on another RaspberryPi. Communicating with an ICOM IC-7300 (built-in sound card and USB Serial port for PTT). And then let…

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Universal DCD for 1200bd Packet modems. 5 (2)

Since I’m working with packet again, you encounter all kinds of problems and then have to solve them again. The same now. I recently purchased an AEA PK-88 packet modem. Only this one has no Hardware DCD. So you have to use your Squelch on your radio. To work with an open Squelch you need…

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PD5DJ/P 5 (1)

This summer (2023). I am more active than ever portable. At the beginning of the season I started with my IC-705 to get out and work QRP. At the same time I have also been able to play a lot with various antenna systems to see what works well at which location, and what kind…

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Homebrew Manpack for my IC-705 and accesoires 5 (9)

If you have some time on the weekend to work portable. then you don’t want to spend a lot of time setting up and connecting my equipment. especially if this is the same setup every time. I had several of the same fish carrying bags lying around. So I had to do something with that.…

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40m Deltaloop for NVIS 5 (4)

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of loop antennas. This is because closed systems are generally less sensitive to QRM and therefore receive more quietly. What I’ve been wanting to try for a while is to make a Deltaloop for 40m. And fed in such a way that it does not radiate flat for…

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ATV Receiver project 5 (4)

Some time ago, Hans PE1ICE developed a compact ATV Receiver that could demodulate FM audio and Nicam audio also. Link to project: All that was needed was to install the receiver in a housing. In the first housing I had based on a supply voltage of 12v. I also had a video splitter built…

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Getting better 10GHz reception, modifying the mast :-) 5 (1)

Reception at 10Ghz can be quite a challenge, especially if you can receive the station to be received on the edge. I really had the problem that the signal went up and down even with a little bit of wind. The problem was that the mast on which the dish is placed is in a…

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HB9CV 3.5m Project 5 (9)

A friend of mine Gertjan PA3FZB who is crazy about 3.5m broadcast “amateur” stations 😉 recently came up with an article about a HB9CV design for 3.5m. He asked me if I could build it for him. and so it happened 🙂 On the internet there is a very handy calculation tool to calculate an…

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23cm Yagi Antenna building 4.9 (13)

First attempt to build a 23cm Yagi I had been looking for an antenna for 23 and 13cm for a while now. As I wanted to listen to SSB and Amateur Television stations. Now I had found some factory antennas online. Only the price.. hmmm.. For these prices I can build several antennas myself 🙂…

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Diamond MX62M Diplexer Modification for IC-705 5 (7)

Simple conversion description MX62M with BNC Connectors UPDATE! 02-07-2023 I have replaced the BNC Pigtail cable with a fixed BNC Panelmount version instead to be more flexible.   Recently I was looking for an easy way to build a Diplexer for my Icom IC-705. My eye fell on the Diamond MX62M Diplexer. This because with…

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