LinBPQ & Direwolf installation 5 (1)

Over the past 2 weeks I have been busy getting the following things done: Transferring a Windows BPQ32 configuration to LinBPQ for the RaspberryPi. Communicating with an AEA PK-88 TNC in KISS mode. Install Direwolf on another RaspberryPi. Communicating with an ICOM IC-7300 (built-in sound card and USB Serial port …

LinBPQ installation for RaspberryPi 0 (0)

This will install LinBPQ for the RaspberryPi Either 32bit or 64bit version of Raspbian can be used for this setup   UPDATE & UPGRADE RPI sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y   INSTALL NECESSARY SOFTWARE & LIBRARIES sudo apt install git libpcap0.8-dev:armhf libasound2-dev:armhf libz3-4:armhf zlib1g:armhf libminiupnpc17:armhf screen -y …

BPQ – Direwolf 0 (0)

Below you will find how to install and configure LinBPQ & Direwolf on the RaspberryPI First of all you want to flash a fresh copy of Raspian on a SD card. All my RaspberryPI’s run Headless without Desktop enviroment for max performance. I run all software with Raspberry Pi OS …

Install Direwolf RaspberryPi – No Desktop 0 (0)

INSTALL DIREWOLF RASPBERRY PI 64BIT LITE OS BOOKWORM UPDATE & UPGRADE RPI sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y   INSTALL NECESSARY SOFTWARE & LIBRARIES sudo apt-get install nano tmux git gcc g++ make cmake libasound2-dev libudev-dev libgps-dev libhamlib-dev libavahi-client-dev libavahi-core-dev -y   CLONE & INSTALL LATEST STABLE VERSION …

IP Setup RaspberryPi 0 (0)

IP SETUP SHOW NETWORKS sudo nmcli -p connection show   SET NEW IP ADRESS sudo nmcli c mod “NETWORK NAME” ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual   GATEWAY SETUP sudo nmcli con mod “NETWORK NAME” ipv4.gateway   SINGLE DNS SETUP sudo nmcli con mod “NETWORK NAME” ipv4.dns ““   MULTIPLE DNS …

Universal DCD for 1200bd Packet modems. 4.7 (3)

Since I’m working with packet again, you encounter all kinds of problems and then have to solve them again. The same now. I recently purchased an AEA PK-88 packet modem. Only this one has no Hardware DCD. So you have to use your Squelch on your radio. To work with …

Packet Radio Makes a Comeback in the Netherlands 5 (3)

In recent years, the Netherlands has witnessed a remarkable resurgence of packet radio, a digital communication technology that utilizes radio signals to transmit data. This revival can be largely attributed to a group of passionate amateur radio operators in the Noord-Holland region, who have reignited interest in packet radio on …

Fieldday meeting Spaarnewoude September 30, 2023 5 (2)

We recently spontaneously came up with the idea of ​​holding a field day on September 30, 2023 in the Spaarnwoude recreation area (near Amsterdam). We had a nice day there with a few fellow amateurs. Together with Nico PA4NIC, Fred PE3FS, Carlo PA1LCS, Rene PE1LFI and some more supporters. Fred …

New Portable setup 5 (3)

The summer of 2023 has ended, as well as portable operations. What I have noticed during my activations is that QRP can be a lot of fun, but also too challenging. If you want to continue to participate in the vast majority of stations, you will have to do your …

PD5DJ/P 5 (1)

This summer (2023). I am more active than ever portable. At the beginning of the season I started with my IC-705 to get out and work QRP. At the same time I have also been able to play a lot with various antenna systems to see what works well at …